Engineer by day. Drinker by day (and night.) Between the two I occasionally brew beer.
I’ve been tinkering with things my whole life. Cars, electronics, computers, whatever I could pry open. They were all fair game, which probably caused a bit of heartburn with the folks. I went pro after high school with my first real job: mechanical draftsman for an automation company. After that, I took it up another level by spending 5 years as an aircraft mechanic for the United States Marine Corps. Upon my return home I entered school for my long awaited engineering degree, and while studying I wore a number of hats for another automation firm: designer, draftsman, mechanic, machinist, buyer, installer, assembler, and probably many more. Things moving on as they do, I graduated with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering. It took 13 years, but I made it! Nowadays I design aftermarket automotive equipment. I truly enjoy the work, and it affords me the free time to work on my projects.
Speaking of…
I’m the kind of guy who has about a million projects on his list. There’s so many things to do! So many opportunities to learn new skills! And that’s really what this μBrew thing is all about. I want to learn all the things! Video production! Glass work! Machining! Welding! Woodwork! Electronics! We’re going to do so many cool things here. Here’s a glimpse:

Of course, I could do all these projects in less time with less effort by running them a bit simpler, but I’m not doing that. I spend my days at work simplifying and reducing problems as far as they go. This is my outlet for gratuitous over-engineering.
So, join me as we break some stuff, make some stuff, and drink some beer.
– J
Updated 06/30/2016